Video Message from Santa!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Selecting a Christmas Tree

Given the many types of Christmas Trees available, and the various ways in which they can be bought, it's important to know certain qualities that a Christmas Tree should have so that it will be suitable for decorating, and so it will last through the season.

One of the most important qualities a Christmas Tree should have is freshness. This makes buying a tree from a Christmas Tree farm the best option because you will observe the tree being cut at the time it is purchased. If a tree is bought elsewhere, such as from a retail lot, it is important to find out where the tree came from and when it was cut.

To determine the freshness of a tree, observe whether it looks green and healthy, has a fragrant scent, and has needles that are moist and flexible. If the needles appear dry or show browning, then that is a sign the tree isn't very fresh. If a large amount of green needles fall when a few branches of the tree are shaken, that's also a sign that the tree isn't the best one to buy and that it may not last for the entire season.

The needles of fir trees should break crisply when they are bent. If a fir tree needle is bent and doesn't break readily with pressure, it might mean that the tree isn't absorbing water and that will affect its longevity.

Another reason a Christmas Tree farm can be a better option for purchasing a tree is that the farm will be more likely to offer more species of trees in a wider variety of shapes and sizes. For those Christmas Trees that are located on retail or commercial lots, freshness can be determined by looking at the conditions in which the trees are kept. Observe whether the trees are kept in stands that hold water, if baled trees are protected from the wind and sun, if a fresh cut is put on trees, and if the trees are tied down correctly.

Another quality to consider in selecting the right Christmas Tree is its size. Before buying a tree, it is important to decide where it will be placed so that the space can be measured. You will need to do a floor to ceiling measurement and then subtract at least 10-12 inches to get the maximum height for the Christmas Tree. It is recommended that at least 10-12 inches of space should be left between the top of the Christmas Tree and the ceiling.

The bottom of the Christmas Tree also needs to be checked to make sure there is adequate space between it and the lowest branches. A small diagonal fresh cut, of approximately one inch, is made in that area to enhance absorption of water, which will make the tree last longer. This cut should be made just before the tree is placed in water. If a fresh cut is done and the tree is exposed to the air too long, the vessels can become blocked.

Along with freshness and size, a tree should be selected based on the shape that you like, the smell of the needles and bark, and how dense and sturdy the branches are. For the density and sturdiness of the tree, you need to have an idea how the tree will be decorated – how many heavy ornaments, Christmas lights, or bows will be used. As an example, a fir tree that has sturdy branches will be better for holding heavy ornaments and a pine tree is good for Christmas Trees that have light decorations such as bows and strings of Christmas lights.

The texture of the branches and how durable or long-lasting the tree will be are also worth considering in choosing a perfect Christmas tree.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Giving Gifts at Christmas

The real meaning of Christmas is often said to be about giving to others during the season. Giving can take many forms, but, during the Christmas season, the most obvious way in which giving is done is by preparing beautifully wrapped Christmas presents for family, friends, acquaintances, work colleagues, teachers, and others, such as business clients.

The tradition of giving gifts at Christmas is believed to have started with the Three Wise Men who brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh; but the practice of giving gifts, as we know it today, evolved from a retail strategy that involved Santa Claus and attracting children into stores. For that reason, giving gifts at Christmas and during the holidays has been centered on children.

Giving gifts during Christmas started in the early 19th century when the celebration of Christmas was restored after a period when the Protestants in England banned Christmas celebrations. From 1820 to 1840, when Christmas celebrations regained popularity, stores started to advertise special Christmas shopping promotions. At the same time, newspapers also created advertising sections solely for holiday shopping advertisements. These special advertising sections had prominent displays of Santa Claus.

In 1841, when a store in Philadelphia had a life-size model of Santa Claus, hundreds of children turned up to get a look at Santa Claus, who had become a new and popular element of revitalized Christmas celebrations. The interest in seeing Santa Claus provided a marketing idea to retailers that they could attract children and parents to stores through offers to have a look at a “real” or “live” Santa Claus. Because of this marketing strategy, the focus was on giving Christmas presents to children.

Today, giving gifts is still mainly focused on children, but adults are also popular recipients. Within families, the focus on children is evident in the fact that an individual child will get more gifts than any other individual adult member of the family. For young children, who are particularly delighted and enchanted by the holidays and Christmas festivities, toys are usually the preferred gift. Among older children, clothes and electronic gadgets are popular items to give as Christmas gifts.

Adults are the ones for whom there is the widest range of items that can be given as Christmas presents. An item that will make a good Christmas or holiday present to just about any adult is a decadent box of chocolates or holiday cookies. This is enjoyed even by those who are diet-conscious because they can be sugar- or fat-free, or also low in carbohydrates. Also, during the Christmas season, many people tend to temporarily disregard any strict diet rules they are following, so they heartily welcome and enjoy any type of Christmas treats.

According to a survey done in 2004 by the National Confectioners Association, 90% percent of 1,000 adults who were surveyed said that giving or receiving a box of chocolates and creating or receiving a stocking filled with goodies were among the top three ways they enjoyed candy during the winter holidays. A third response was having candy that was placed in a dish, which indicates that having sweet treats at Christmas time is generally enjoyed by a broad cross-section of people.

Aside from family members and friends, it may also be a nice gesture to give a holiday or Christmas present to colleagues at work, teachers of your children, and, based on your profession, to business clients. The primary reason to give any of those people holiday or Christmas gifts is to express appreciation. For that reason, a holiday present of goodies or treats is, indeed, a sweet gift to give.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Christmas Carols

The tradition of caroling and Christmas carols is believed to have originated in England when wandering musicians would travel from town to town, visiting castles and homes of rich people, and giving impromptu performances. Some also believe that singing carols at Christmas likely came from the group of angels, shepherds, and Wise Men who visited Jesus at his birth, because they worshiped the holy child, sang, and proclaimed praises unto Him. After their visit, they continued their proclamations in the street.

The origin of the word “carol,” however, is thought to come from the word “caroller,” which is a French word that describes a circle dance with singers. From the twelfth through the fourteenth centuries, the carol was highly popular as a dance song. The use of carols then evolved to festivals where they were sung as processional songs. Others were included as part of religious mystery plays in Europe.

Some traditional qualities of a carol are that the words expressed should celebrate a topic that is seasonal, have verses and a chorus arranged alternately, and have music that is suitable for dancing. Although many of the carols that are now popular at Christmas time are very old, there are others from earlier times that didn't survive.

During the 17th century, when the Protestants, led by Oliver Cromwell, were in power in England, many Christmas carols were banned and some were never heard again. The Christmas carols that survived the Protestant Reformation period didn't become very popular again until some time between the mid-19th century to the start of the 20th century.

Many of the Christmas carols that were banned, and early Christmas carols in general, had lyrics that expressed joyous and merry themes instead of the serious, somber words found in church hymns. During the time when carols were banned, some composers and musicians wrote non-religious songs that had highly varied choral music, which they called carols, for Christmas.

After Christmas carols again became popular and many of those songs were re-arranged with new Christian lyrics and used by the church. Making changes to Christmas carols continues in a different way today with pop artists singing the carols to different tunes and melodies to give them a style that characterizes the particular artist. Having Christmas carols with tunes of contemporary or popular music means that they are also more likely to survive because younger listeners will be interested in hearing music performed by their favorite singers.

The popularity of Christmas carols in the United States increased in the 19th century, as it did in England, because many of the traditions related to Christmas came to the United States from England. The United States and England also have closely linked religious observances, which also accounts for the popularity and similarity of Christmas carols that are enjoyed in both countries.

Today, radio stations are the first to play Christmas carols, usually starting in mid-November, to signal the coming season. At the start of December, when the Christmas season officially begins, malls and other retail establishments begin to pipe Christmas carols and songs through their places of business.

The singing of carols at churches, schools, and by groups performing at malls will be a common sight starting in early to mid-December. Carol singing as a part of Nativity plays and concerts at churches and schools is usually in full swing by mid-December as the Christmas season gets into high gear and the countdown to Christmas Day begins.

Whether it's the traditional tunes or popular makeovers of Christmas carols that you enjoy, listening to them is part of an old Christmas tradition. Any version of a Christmas carol can serve the purpose of putting you in a festive mood for Christmas. The music may even inspire you to dance, just like the music of original carols was meant to do.